It's official now. The World Hates Me.
Having an exhausting day at work with all the new products coming in and stuff, if was glad when it was over at midnight. I walk around the corner and it takes a few seconds for my brain to register whats wrong with the picture I see.
Where's my bike, dude?
Where's my fucking bike?
On closer look I find my lock cut through, dangling on the bike rack. Actual bike nowhere to be seen.
Like... what the fuck?
Calling my grams (I knew she would still be awake) and asking her if she could check if my mom's still awake (fat chance, yeah...) Answer's no, as expected.
So I walk home the 1,3 miles (appr 2 km). At 0:15am.
I couldn't help but laugh at the whole situation.
I still don't know what excactly struck me as funny about all this...
My father's gonna be mad.
Hell, I am mad.
I guess. If it wouldn't be so funny.

bluebunny am 28.Jul 14  |  Permalink
I found your blog and i wish you could say more about yourself it would gives me a better view about this

Ps: do you speak german?

ellie200992 am 29.Jul 14  |  Permalink
Ja ich spreche Deutsch. Was möchtest du denn wissen?

bluebunny am 29.Jul 14  |  Permalink
schon besser. ka vielleicht mehr über sozialen Umfeld?
du hast nen guten musikgeschmack^^

ellie200992 am 29.Jul 14  |  Permalink
Soziales Umfeld as in...? Da musst du schon etwas spezifischer sein =D
Und danke

bluebunny am 29.Jul 14  |  Permalink
joa Familienleben, schule ( falls du noch hast), freunde?
un vielleicht weiblich oder männlich bist :D ?
dann hätte ich vielleicht ein besseres bild vom ganzen

ellie200992 am 30.Jul 14  |  Permalink
Ich bin ab Oktober Studentin im Erstsemester, nachdem ich ein Jahr in Amerika war.

bluebunny am 30.Jul 14  |  Permalink
uii ein jahr in amerika, würd ich gar nicht aushalten da zwischen den ganzen amis